Fish louse Argulus folicaeus Fish louse Argulus sp on stickleback
1. Holdich, D.M. and Sibley,P.J. (2009) ICS and NICS in Britain in the 2000s pp 13-33 in Crayfish Conservation in the British Isles, Proceedings of conference held in Leeds
2. Holdich, D.M., Palmer,M. and Sibley, P.J. (2009) The indigenous status of Austropotamobius pallipes (Lereboullet) in Britain. pp 1-11 in Crayfish Conservation in the British Isles, Proceedings of conference held in Leeds
3. Gouin N., Grandjean F., PainS., Souty-Grosset C. & Reynolds J. (2003) Origin and colonization history of the white-clawed crayfish, Austropotamobius pallipes, in Ireland. Heredity 91: 70–77
4. Maitland, P. S. 1977. A coded check-list of animals occurring in fresh water in the British Isles, Institute of Terrestrial Ecology, Edinburgh.
5. Ruiz, F., Abad, M., Bodergat, A.M. et al. Freshwater ostracods as environmental tracers. Int. J. Environ. Sci. Technol. 10, 1115–1128 (2013).
Other sources of information
Simple guide to freshwater shrimp genera from the Freshwater Biological Association
Dobson,M. Pawley,S. Fletcher,M. & Powell, A. (2012) Guide to Freshwater Invertebrates Published by Freshwater Biological Association
Gledhill,T. Sutcliffe,D.W. & Williams, W.D. (1993) British Freshwater Crustacea Malacostraca. A Key with Ecological notes. Freshwater Biological Association Scientific Publications Volume: 52.
Harding, J.P.; Smith, W.A. (1974) A Key to the British Freshwater Cyclopid and Calanoid Copepods with ecological notes. 2nd edition Published by Freshwater Biological Association
Scourfield D.J. and Harding J.P. (1966) A Key to the British Freshwater Cladocera with notes on their ecology. Freshwater Biological Association Scientific Publications Volume: 5, 61pp
Page text drafted and compiled by Steve Head