Left: eggs of the common garden snail Cornu aspersum Right: Egg mass laid by pond snail Lymnaea stagnalis
Snail eggs are harvested and sold to extremely wealthy gourmets as
snail caviar, with a current UK price of £1.00 per gram, high, but certainly cheaper than the real thing.
We have pages on terrestrial garden snails
here, slugs
here, and on pond snails
Overall, we want you to know that garden molluscs are a pretty interesting lot, and deserve more sympathy and study. It is a subject where amateurs can make a serious discovery, as when
Ruth Brooks experimented on the homing ability of garden snails leading to further publications
1. Brooks, R. (2013) A Slow Passion: Snails, my Garden, and Me London: Bloomsbury
2. Dunstan, D.J . and Hodgson, D. J. (2014) Snails home. Phys. Scr. 89:1:10
Other sources of information
Barker, G.M. (ed) (2001) The Biology of Terrestrial Molluscs CABI Publishing
Cameron, R. (2016) Slugs and Snails. New Naturalist Series Harper Collins London
Cameron, R. & Riley, G. (2008) Land snails in the British Isles. A Field Studies Council AIDGAP key
Page written and compiled by Steve Head