Skippers:  Family Hesperiidae
Small skipper Thymelicus sylvestris
  • Resident, rough grassland, common
  • Adults: June-August
  • Larval foodplants: grasses, Yorkshire fog Holcus lanatus
  • Range: England and Wales north to Scottish border
  • Status since 1970's : slight increase
Large skipper  Ochlodes sylvanus
  • Resident, tall grassland
  • Adults: May-August
  • Larval foodplants: grasses especially cocks-foot Dactylis glomerata
  • Range: Southern Britain, extending northwards
  • Status since 1970's : 12% decrease
Blues and coppers: Family Lycaenidae
Common blue Polyommatus icarus
  • Resident
  • Adults: 2 broods, May and October
  • Larval foodplants: birds-foot treioil   Lotus corniculatus
  • Range: All Britain and Ireland
  • Status since 1970's : 17% decrease
Holly blue Celastrina argiolus
  • Resident, common in gardens
  • Adults: 2 broods, late March/April August/September
  • Larval foodplants: 1st brood holly      Ilex aquifolium 2nd brood ivy              Hedera helix
  • Range: Southern Britain and Ireland
  • Status since 1970's : 37% increase
Small copper Lycaena phlaeas
  • Resident, rare now in gardens
  • Adults: up to 4 broods April to November
  • Larval foodplants: sorrels Rumex acetosa and R. acetosella
  • Range: All Britain and Ireland
  • Status since 1970's : 37% decline
Brown argus Aricia agestis
  • Resident, rare in gardens
  • Adults: 2-3 broods May to Sept.
  • Larval foodplants: common rock-rose Helianthemum nummularium
  • Range: southern-eastern Britain,  coastal Wales
  • Status since 2005 : 2% increase,   range increasing
Whites: Family Pieridae
Brimstone Gonepteryx rhamni
  • Resident, common in gardens
  • Adults: overwintering individuals in April, offspring in August
  • Larval foodplants: buckthorns Frangulus aldus & Rhamnus catharcticus
  • Range: All Britain and Ireland
  • Status since 1970's : 14% increase, range increasing
Large (cabbage) white Pieris brassicae
  • Resident, augmented by summer migrants. Abundant
  • Adults: usually 2 broods, April/May, July/August
  • Larval foodplants: brassicas, nasturtium Tropaeolum majus
  • Range:All Britain and Ireland
  • Status since 1970's : 30% decrease but still abundant
Small (cabbage) white Pieris rapae
  • Resident, augmented by summer migrants. Abundant
  • Adults: usually 2 broods, April/June, July/August
  • Larval foodplants: crucifers, nasturtium Tropaeolum majus
  • Range: All Britain and Ireland
  • Status since 1970's : 25% decrease but still common
Green-veined white Pieris napi
  • Resident, common in gardens
  • Adults: usually 2 broods, April/June, July/August
  • Larval foodplants: charlock Sinapis arvensis, cuckoo-flower Cardamine pratensis
  • Range: All Britain and Ireland
  • Status since 2005: 72% increase
Orange-tip Anthocharis cardamines 
  • Resident, quite common in gardens
  • Adults: 1 broods, April/June
  • Larval foodplants: cuckoo-flower Cardamine pratensis
  • Range: All Britain and Ireland except northern Scotland
  • Status since 2005: 59% increase
Vanessids Sub family Nymphalinae
  • Red admiral, Vanessa atalanta Common
  • Adults: Migrants from May, offspring July to October
  • Larval foodplants: common nettle Urtica dioica
  • Range: All Britain and Ireland
  • Status since 2005: 257% increase
Painted lady Vanessa cardui
  • Summer migrant, often common
  • Adults: Migrants from April, offspring July to October
  • Larval foodplants: thistles. common nettle Urtica dioica
  • Range: All Britain and Ireland
  • Status since 2005: 113% increase
Peacock, Inachis io
  • Resident, common in gardens
  • Adults: overwintering from January, offspring from June to December
  • Larval foodplants: common nettle Urtica dioica
  • Range: All Britain and Ireland except northern Scotland
  • Status since 2005: 17% increase
Small tortoiseshell  Aglais urticae
  • Resident, common in gardens
  • Adults: overwintering from January, offspring from July to December
  • Larval foodplants: common nettle Urtica dioica
  • Range: All Britain and Ireland
  • Status since 2005: 73% decrease
Comma Polygonia c-album
  • Resident, common in gardens
  • Adults: overwintering from January, offspring from June to December
  • Second brood eggs laid June to August, adults September to December
  • Larval foodplants: common nettle Urtica dioica
  • Range: All England and Wales, now southern Scotland
  • Status since 1970s: 150% increase, range extending north
Browns Sub-family Satyrinae
Speckled wood Pararge aegeria
  • Resident, woodland habitat
  • Adults: 2 broods April/May, June to October
  • Larval foodplants: grasses, cocks-foot Dactylis glomerata and others
  • Range: All Britain and Ireland, absent southern and central Scotland
  • Status since 1970s: 84% increase
Ringlet Aphantopus hyperantus
  • Resident, woodland edge habitat
  • Adults: 1 brood June to August
  • Larval foodplants: grasses, cocks-foot Dactylis glomerata and others
  • Range: All Britain and Ireland, absent north western Scotland
  • Status since 1970s: 381% increase, range extending
Wall Lasiommata megera
  • Resident, now mainly in coastal areas
  • Adults: 2 broods April/June August/September
  • Larval foodplants: grasses, bents Agrostis spp and others
  • Range: England and Wales, coastal Ireland
  • Status since 1970s: 87% decrease, range reducing.
  • BAP species
Gatekeeper Pyronia tithonus
  • Resident, hedgerows, common in gardens
  • Adults: 1 brood June to September
  • Larval foodplants: grass, bents Agrostis spp, fescues Festuca spp
  • Range: Southern & central England and Wales, south coastal Ireland
  • Status since 1970s: 41% decrease
Meadow brown Maniola jurtina
  • Resident, grassy habitats, common in gardens
  • Adults: 1 brood June to September
  • Larval foodplants: grasses, bents Agrostis spp, cocks-foot Dactylis glomerata
  • Range: All Britain and Ireland
  • Status since 1970s: stable
Skippers:  Family Hesperiidae
Small skipper Thymelicus sylvestris
  • Resident, rough grassland, common
  • Adults: June-August
  • Larval foodplants: grasses, Yorkshire fog Holcus lanatus
  • Range: England and Wales north to Scottish border
  • Status since 1970's : slight increase
Large skipper  Ochlodes sylvanus
  • Resident, tall grassland
  • Adults: May-August
  • Larval foodplants: grasses especially cocks-foot Dactylis glomerata
  • Range: Southern Britain, extending northwards
  • Status since 1970's : 12% decrease
Blues and coppers: Family Lycaenidae
Common blue Polyommatus icarus
  • Resident
  • Adults: 2 broods, May and October
  • Larval foodplants: birds-foot treioil   Lotus corniculatus
  • Range: All Britain and Ireland
  • Status since 1970's : 17% decrease
Holly blue Celastrina argiolus
  • Resident, common in gardens
  • Adults: 2 broods, late March/April August/September
  • Larval foodplants: 1st brood holly      Ilex aquifolium 2nd brood ivy              Hedera helix
  • Range: Southern Britain and Ireland
  • Status since 1970's : 37% increase
Small copper Lycaena phlaeas
  • Resident, rare now in gardens
  • Adults: up to 4 broods April to November
  • Larval foodplants: sorrels Rumex acetosa and R. acetosella
  • Range: All Britain and Ireland
  • Status since 1970's : 37% decline
Brown argus Aricia agestis
  • Resident, rare in gardens
  • Adults: 2-3 broods May to Sept.
  • Larval foodplants: common rock-rose Helianthemum nummularium
  • Range: southern-eastern Britain,  coastal Wales
  • Status since 2005 : 2% increase,   range increasing
Whites: Family Pieridae
Brimstone Gonepteryx rhamni
  • Resident, common in gardens
  • Adults: overwintering individuals in April, offspring in August
  • Larval foodplants: buckthorns Frangulus aldus & Rhamnus catharcticus
  • Range: All Britain and Ireland
  • Status since 1970's : 14% increase, range increasing
Large (cabbage) white Pieris brassicae
  • Resident, augmented by summer migrants. Abundant
  • Adults: usually 2 broods, April/May, July/August
  • Larval foodplants: brassicas, nasturtium Tropaeolum majus
  • Range:All Britain and Ireland
  • Status since 1970's : 30% decrease but still abundant
Small (cabbage) white Pieris rapae
  • Resident, augmented by summer migrants. Abundant
  • Adults: usually 2 broods, April/June, July/August
  • Larval foodplants: crucifers, nasturtium Tropaeolum majus
  • Range: All Britain and Ireland
  • Status since 1970's : 25% decrease but still common
Green-veined white Pieris napi
  • Resident, common in gardens
  • Adults: usually 2 broods, April/June, July/August
  • Larval foodplants: charlock Sinapis arvensis, cuckoo-flower Cardamine pratensis
  • Range: All Britain and Ireland
  • Status since 2005: 72% increase
Orange-tip Anthocharis cardamines 
  • Resident, quite common in gardens
  • Adults: 1 broods, April/June
  • Larval foodplants: cuckoo-flower Cardamine pratensis
  • Range: All Britain and Ireland except northern Scotland
  • Status since 2005: 59% increase
Vanessids Sub family Nymphalinae
  • Red admiral, Vanessa atalanta Common
  • Adults: Migrants from May, offspring July to October
  • Larval foodplants: common nettle Urtica dioica
  • Range: All Britain and Ireland
  • Status since 2005: 257% increase
Painted lady Vanessa cardui
  • Summer migrant, often common
  • Adults: Migrants from April, offspring July to October
  • Larval foodplants: thistles. common nettle Urtica dioica
  • Range: All Britain and Ireland
  • Status since 2005: 113% increase
Peacock, Inachis io
  • Resident, common in gardens
  • Adults: overwintering from January, offspring from June to December
  • Larval foodplants: common nettle Urtica dioica
  • Range: All Britain and Ireland except northern Scotland
  • Status since 2005: 17% increase
Small tortoiseshell  Aglais urticae
  • Resident, common in gardens
  • Adults: overwintering from January, offspring from July to December
  • Larval foodplants: common nettle Urtica dioica
  • Range: All Britain and Ireland
  • Status since 2005: 73% decrease
Comma Polygonia c-album
  • Resident, common in gardens
  • Adults: overwintering from January, offspring from June to December
  • Second brood eggs laid June to August, adults September to December
  • Larval foodplants: common nettle Urtica dioica
  • Range: All England and Wales, now southern Scotland
  • Status since 1970s: 150% increase, range extending north
Browns Sub-family Satyrinae
Speckled wood Pararge aegeria
  • Resident, woodland habitat
  • Adults: 2 broods April/May, June to October
  • Larval foodplants: grasses, cocks-foot Dactylis glomerata and others
  • Range: All Britain and Ireland, absent southern and central Scotland
  • Status since 1970s: 84% increase
Ringlet Aphantopus hyperantus
  • Resident, woodland edge habitat
  • Adults: 1 brood June to August
  • Larval foodplants: grasses, cocks-foot Dactylis glomerata and others
  • Range: All Britain and Ireland, absent north western Scotland
  • Status since 1970s: 381% increase, range extending
Wall Lasiommata megera
  • Resident, now mainly in coastal areas
  • Adults: 2 broods April/June August/September
  • Larval foodplants: grasses, bents Agrostis spp and others
  • Range: England and Wales, coastal Ireland
  • Status since 1970s: 87% decrease, range reducing.
  • BAP species
Gatekeeper Pyronia tithonus
  • Resident, hedgerows, common in gardens
  • Adults: 1 brood June to September
  • Larval foodplants: grass, bents Agrostis spp, fescues Festuca spp
  • Range: Southern & central England and Wales, south coastal Ireland
  • Status since 1970s: 41% decrease
Meadow brown Maniola jurtina
  • Resident, grassy habitats, common in gardens
  • Adults: 1 brood June to September
  • Larval foodplants: grasses, bents Agrostis spp, cocks-foot Dactylis glomerata
  • Range: All Britain and Ireland
  • Status since 1970s: stable
Butterflies are day-flying insects that are active from spring to autumn.  They visit flowers in order to feed on nectar.  Many garden flowers are attractive to them, particularly those growing in warm sheltered places.  The larval stages feed mainly on the foliage of various plants.  The large and small cabbage whites eat the foliage of cultivated plants, such as cabbage, other brassicas and nasturtiums.  Other British butterflies have caterpillars that feed on forest trees or wild flowers, including nettles and grasses. 
Species that come to Britain as migrants include red admiral Vanessa atalanta, painted lady Vanessa cardui and less commonly in gardens, the clouded yellow, Colias croceus. The numbers that cross the Channel or North Sea can vary considerably from year to year.  Those that arrive early enough are able to breed in Britain but they do not usually survive the winter. Climate change may change this, as in the case of the red admiral,
Life cycle
After mating, female butterflies deposit eggs on plants suitable for their larvae.  Some butterflies lay eggs singly over many plants, while others lays eggs in clusters on a few plants.  The caterpillars feed on the foliage or flower buds of their food plants.  When fully fed, the caterpillars often wander away from their food plants before selecting somewhere to pupate.  Most butterfly caterpillars pupate above ground level.  They do not enclose themselves in a silk cocoon but silk threads are used to attach the pupa or chrysalis to a plant stem or fence.
Most butterflies overwinter as pupae but some species overwinter as eggs or larvae.  The comma, brimstone, peacock and small tortoiseshell butterflies overwinter in sheltered places as adults.  The last two mentioned sometimes hibernate in garden sheds and garages.  Most species have one generation a year but some have two or sometimes three.
What do they look like?
The common name gives it away – these are large, white butterflies. However, they are not pure white: both sexes have black tips on the forewings and the females also have two black spots and a dash in the centre of the forewings. These black colourings are darker and more noticeable in the second brood of the year. The underwings of both sexes are cream coloured with a faint pattern of black dots.
Where are they found ?
All Britain and Ireland
What is their preferred habitat outside gardens?
Large whites can be seen in all kinds of habitats, populating urban areas, farmland and the wider countryside.
Resident or migrant?
Resident but augmented by summer migrants.
When to see them?
There are normally two broods each year with the first butterflies emerging in April and peaking in May. The second brood emerges in June and lasts until September. Hence the adults can be seen throughout the spring and summer and there is sometimes a third brood. They are strong and vigorous fliers and can soar in the air.
Large white  Pieris brassicae 
Family: Pieridae
What do the early stages look like?
Eggs are laid in large packed groups. They turn primrose-yellow and are easy to see on the upper (or more often) the underside of leaves. They hatch in about a week.
The first caterpillars are a pale yellow-green with prominent shiny black heads and about 2mm in length. As with most UK butterflies, the larvae have four moults, therefore five stages (instars). They become brighter in colour and larger with each stage, finally reaching a length of about 40mm. They also develop black tubercules sprouting white hairs all over their bodies and these become much larger and more noticeable as the caterpillars develop. Late-stage large white caterpillars have a striking appearance.
The pupa or chrysalis is usually found on a fence, wall or tree, attached by a silk pad at the end of the abdomen and a silk girdle around the waist. It is an attractive green-golden colour with black spots.
What do the caterpillars eat?
As all vegetable-growers know, large white caterpillars are very fond of cultivated varieties of Brassica oleracea, such as cabbage, broccoli, brussel-sprouts etc, which accounts for their other common name (cabbage white) and their reputation as a garden pest. Female adults lay eggs in large batches so these vegetables can be quickly covered in caterpillars. However, they will also feed on a huge variety of wild plants belonging to the Brassicaceae family as well as some others such as nasturtium Tropaeolum majus and wild mignonette Reseda lutea.1.
What happens in winter?
Large whites overwinter as a chrysalis.  Although the resting stage for the first brood only lasts a couple of weeks, it persists for months in the second brood, lasting from autumn until spring. The chrysalises are often high up on the ground and attached by a silk pad and silk thread round the thorax to trees, fences or buildings.
Flowers they take nectar from
Adults feed primarily on bluebells, buddleja, bugle, common fleabane, dandelions, devil's-bit scabious, field scabious, hemp-agrimony, knapweeds, ragged-robin, ragworts, thistles, wild marjoram and wild teasel.2.
How are they doing?
Large white butterflies are still extremely abundant and the population seems fairly stable at present with only a slight change in numbers reported between the  2015 State of UK butterflies report (30% decline since 1976)3. and the 2022 version (32% decline since 1976).4.  Although still widespread, their distribution has decreased by 18% since 1976. In some years the populations can increase dramatically due to mass migration from mainland Europe.
Other interesting facts
The caterpillars accumulate mustard oil from their foodplants and this is thought to make them unpleasant in taste or even poisonous and give them some protection from predators such as birds. However they are still vulnerable to parasitism by an ichneumon wasp Cotesia glomerata, which deposits its eggs inside young caterpillars. The fly larvae feed on the insides of their host, finally emerging from its skin when they and the caterpillar are fully grown.
Young larvae
Mature  caterpillar
Caterpillar parasitised by Cotesia glomerata with emerged parasite cocoons
1.  Biological Records Centre database 
2.  UK butterflies website
3.  State of UK Butterflies 2015 report   
4.  State of UK Butterflies 2022 report   
Page written by Judy Skinner, reviewed and compiled by Steve Head
What do they look like?
The common name gives it away – these are large, white butterflies. However, they are not pure white: both sexes have black tips on the forewings and the females also have two black spots and a dash in the centre of the forewings. These black colourings are darker and more noticeable in the second brood of the year. The underwings of both sexes are cream coloured with a faint pattern of black dots.
Where are they found ?
All Britain and Ireland
What is their preferred habitat outside gardens?
Large whites can be seen in all kinds of habitats, populating urban areas, farmland and the wider countryside.
Resident or migrant?
Resident but augmented by summer migrants.
When to see them?
There are normally two broods each year with the first butterflies emerging in April and peaking in May. The second brood emerges in June and lasts until September. Hence the adults can be seen throughout the spring and summer and there is sometimes a third brood. They are strong and vigorous fliers and can soar in the air.
Large white  Pieris brassicae 
Family: Pieridae
What does the caterpillar look like?
The first caterpillars are a pale yellow-green with prominent shiny black heads and about 2mm in length. As with most UK butterflies, the larvae have four moults, therefore five stages (instars). They become brighter in colour and larger with each stage, finally reaching a length of about 40mm. They also develop black tubercules sprouting white hairs all over their bodies and these become much larger and more noticeable as the caterpillars develop. Late-stage large white caterpillars have a striking appearance.
What do the caterpillars eat?
As all vegetable-growers know, large white caterpillars are very fond of cultivated varieties of Brassica oleracea, such as cabbage, broccoli, brussel-sprouts etc, which accounts for their other common name (cabbage white) and their reputation as a garden pest. Female adults lay eggs in large batches so these vegetables can be quickly covered in caterpillars. However, they will also feed on a huge variety of wild plants belonging to the Brassicaceae family as well as some others such as nasturtium Tropaeolum majus and wild mignonette Reseda lutea.1.
What happens in winter?
Large whites overwinter as a chrysalis.  Although the resting stage for the first brood only lasts a couple of weeks, it persists for months in the second brood, lasting from autumn until spring. The chrysalises are often high up on the ground and attached by a silk pad and silk thread round the thorax to trees, fences or buildings.
Flowers they take nectar from
Adults feed primarily on bluebells, buddleja, bugle, common fleabane, dandelions, devil's-bit scabious, field scabious, hemp-agrimony, knapweeds, ragged-robin, ragworts, thistles, wild marjoram and wild teasel.2.
How are they doing?
Large white butterflies are still extremely abundant and the population seems fairly stable at present with only a slight change in numbers reported between the  2015 State of UK butterflies report (30% decline since 1976)3. and the 2022 version (32% decline since 1976).4.  Although still widespread, their distribution has decreased by 18% since 1976. In some years the populations can increase dramatically due to mass migration from mainland Europe.
Other interesting facts
The caterpillars accumulate mustard oil from their foodplants and this is thought to make them unpleasant in taste or even poisonous and give them some protection from predators such as birds. However they are still vulnerable to parasitism by an ichneumon wasp Cotesia glomerata, which deposits its eggs inside young caterpillars. The fly larvae feed on the insides of their host, finally emerging from its skin when they and the caterpillar are fully grown.
Young larvae
Mature  caterpillar
Caterpillar parasitised by Cotesia glomerata with emerged parasite cocoons
1.  Biological Records Centre database 
2.  UK butterflies website
3.  State of UK Butterflies 2015 report   
4.  State of UK Butterflies 2022 report   
Page written by Judy Skinner, reviewed and compiled by Steve Head
What do the early stages look like?
Eggs are laid in large packed groups. They turn primrose-yellow and are easy to see on the upper (or more often) the underside of leaves. They hatch in about a week.
The first caterpillars are a pale yellow-green with prominent shiny black heads and about 2mm in length. As with most UK butterflies, the larvae have four moults, therefore five stages (instars). They become brighter in colour and larger with each stage, finally reaching a length of about 40mm. They also develop black tubercules sprouting white hairs all over their bodies and these become much larger and more noticeable as the caterpillars develop. Late-stage large white caterpillars have a striking appearance.
The pupa or chrysalis is usually found on a fence, wall or tree, attached by a silk pad at the end of the abdomen and a silk girdle around the waist. It is an attractive green-golden colour with black spots.
What do the caterpillars eat?
As all vegetable-growers know, large white caterpillars are very fond of cultivated varieties of Brassica oleracea, such as cabbage, broccoli, brussel-sprouts etc, which accounts for their other common name (cabbage white) and their reputation as a garden pest. Female adults lay eggs in large batches so these vegetables can be quickly covered in caterpillars. However, they will also feed on a huge variety of wild plants belonging to the Brassicaceae family as well as some others such as nasturtium Tropaeolum majus and wild mignonette Reseda lutea.1.
What happens in winter?
Large whites overwinter as a chrysalis.  Although the resting stage for the first brood only lasts a couple of weeks, it persists for months in the second brood, lasting from autumn until spring. The chrysalises are often high up on the ground and attached by a silk pad and silk thread round the thorax to trees, fences or buildings.
Flowers they take nectar from
Adults feed primarily on bluebells, buddleja, bugle, common fleabane, dandelions, devil's-bit scabious, field scabious, hemp-agrimony, knapweeds, ragged-robin, ragworts, thistles, wild marjoram and wild teasel.2.
How are they doing?
Large white butterflies are still extremely abundant and the population seems fairly stable at present with only a slight change in numbers reported between the  2015 State of UK butterflies report (30% decline since 1976)3. and the 2022 version (32% decline since 1976).4.  Although still widespread, their distribution has decreased by 18% since 1976. In some years the populations can increase dramatically due to mass migration from mainland Europe.
Other interesting facts
The caterpillars accumulate mustard oil from their foodplants and this is thought to make them unpleasant in taste or even poisonous and give them some protection from predators such as birds. However they are still vulnerable to parasitism by an ichneumon wasp Cotesia glomerata, which deposits its eggs inside young caterpillars. The fly larvae feed on the insides of their host, finally emerging from its skin when they and the caterpillar are fully grown.
Caterpillar parasitised by Cotesia glomerata with emerged parasite cocoons
1.  Biological Records Centre database 
2.  UK butterflies website
3.  State of UK Butterflies 2015 report   
4.  State of UK Butterflies 2022 report   
Page written by Judy Skinner, reviewed and compiled by Steve Head
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